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Deutsche Bank promossa negli stress test americani

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the Federal Reserve) announced this afternoon that it did not object to the capital plan of DB USA Corporation (DBUSA) on either a quantitative or qualitative basis as part of the 2019 Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR). On a quantitative basis, the Federal Reserve found that even in a severely adverse economic scenario, DBUSA’s Common Equity Tier 1 capital would comfortably exceed the regulatory minimum of 4.5% and would not fall below 14.8% at any time over the nine-quarter planning horizon. The Federal Reserve also found that DBUSA’s Tier 1 Leverage Ratio would remain well above the regulatory minimum of 4% and would not fall below 6.9%. All other minimum regulatory capital ratios were also exceeded. 

deutsche bank stress test

DBUSA is Deutsche Bank AG’s principal US intermediate holding company (IHC) and had USD 133 billion in assets as of March 31, 2019. DBUSA represents approximately 8% of the assets of Deutsche Bank AG and 36% of the assets of the combined US operations of Deutsche Bank AG. DBUSA primarily consists of Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., an SEC-registered broker dealer; Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, an FDIC-insured bank; and DB USA Core Corporation, a US service corporation. The public disclosure of the Federal Reserve’s CCAR results for DBUSA and other participating companies is available on the Federal Reserve website.

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