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- "This is an exciting time for our company with the change in company name and strengthening of our board of directors," said Mark Herbst, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Our board of directors has never been stronger and we value the experience and insight Dan, Frans and Andy bring to us."

Dan Hancock is President of DMH Consulting, LLC. Dan retired from General Motors after 43 years in powertrain engineering and general management. His most recent positions included Vice President-Global Strategic Product Alliances, Vice President-Global Powertrain Engineering, CEO Fiat-GM Powertrain and President, Allison Transmission. He was President of SAE International in 2014 and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

Frans Westenbrink is Vice President and General Manager for the Aftermarket, Power, Steam and Compressor (APSCS) business unit at Woodward Inc. Frans began his career with Woodward in Europe where he was responsible for the European Sales and Engineering operations before moving to the U.S. in 1999. Before taking on his current role Frans was responsible for the development of Woodward's GT Fuel injection business with GE and Siemens. Frans has performed other commercial and technology leadership functions in Woodward's Engine Systems business.

Andy Savarie has over 25 years of investment banking and entrepreneurial business experience.  Andy has lead the automotive investment banking practices at Morgan Stanley, Banc of America Securities and Bear Stearns where he advised clients on well over 100 M&A and financing transactions. Andy also spent 4 years as a co-founder and head of corporate development and strategy for Carbon Motors Corporation, an early stage automotive company.

About SuperTurbo Technologies, Inc.

SuperTurbo Technologies Inc. specializes in the design, development and commercialization of SuperTurbos™ for the global automotive and truck markets. Founded in 2009, the Company is headquartered in Loveland, Colorado and is a leader in the application of advanced driven-turbo technology. The Company's proprietary SuperTurbo system enables engines and vehicles to achieve important emission reduction, realize fuel savings and increase overall performance.  The Company has previously announced a collaboration with Allison Transmission Inc. to co-develop a vehicle demonstrator maximizing the benefits of engine downspeeding, efficient supercharging and turbo compounding in a Class 8 tractor. For more information, visit

Media inquiries: Mark Herbst,

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