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Palazzi & potere
(fonte Lapresse)

I promotori dell’appello libero “Per l’esistenza dell’Europa”, consapevoli dell’ora drammatica che l’Europa vive nell’emergenza planetaria del COVID-19, si rivolgono ai Capi di Stato e di Governo dei Paesi Fondatori dell’Europa nella necessità di un piano d’intenti e di azione unitario per governare le conseguenze in termini sociali ed economici.

Siamo convinti che la decisione in Europa, oggi e non domani, debba essere quella degli “coronabonds” per affrontare l’emergenza e per sostenere la ripresa economica e sociale. 

Il futuro dell’Europa è ora.

Press release

The promoters of the free appeal "For the existence of Europe", aware of the dramatic hour that Europe is experiencing in the planetary emergency of COVID-19, turn to the Heads of State and Government of the Founding Countries of Europe in the need for a plan of intent and unitary action to manage the consequences in social and economic terms.

We are convinced that the decision in Europe, today and not tomorrow, is that of the "coronabonds" to face emergency and to support the economic and social recovery.

The future of Europe is now.

Per sottoscrivere l’appello / To subscribe the appeal: appelloeuropa@unilink.it  

The letter

Rome, march 20, 2020 

We turn to the Heads of State and Government of the founding countries of the European Union and to the Presidents of the European Parliament, of the European Council and of the European Commission,  hoping that, in such a difficult and worrying hour, they can give to the European peoples a signal of cohesion and action.

In these days, important figures (not only Italians) from politics, institutions, universities, science, diplomacy, culture and business, have proposed a free appeal on the theme "The existence of Europe". This letter is signed by the promoters. The text of the appeal follows. Many representatives of civil society are joining: academics, intellectuals, professionals, entrepreneurs, journalists, and citizens.

In the face of the emergency that all European countries are experiencing, indecisions, conflicting messages and divisions are not acceptable. We are deeply concerned about the dangers of a disunited Europe.  At the same time, we appreciate the attitude of the European Institutions, in particular on the issue of easing financial constraints. We are convinced that the decision in Europe, today and not tomorrow, is that of the "coronabonds" to face emergency and to support the economic and social recovery.

Mr. President, we are concerned about the governance of the consequences of a phenomenon which, as you well know, will radically change not only our way of life but also, and above all, the dynamics of our coexistence as Europeans.

Now the time has come to make a common front among all countries. The time has come for Europe to recover the spirit of the “Founding Fathers”. The time has come for a common responsibility, not only in relation to the present need to get out of the emergency, but above all to manage consequences that should be politically governed with great attention and vision.

Mr. President, our voices as women and men committed to Europe will always be present and ready to cooperate.

Mr President, the future of Europe is now.

We are sure that our request will find adequate attention to the serious situation that citizens are facing and which has shocked the European economy and society.

The Appeal

We, the European citizens are committed to the future of Europe and are living in a situation of clear disparity between the objectives and the effectiveness of the tools put in place to overcome the emergency of COVID 19.

In the absence of both solidarity and of a political agenda for Europe, we feel powerless.

Faced with the emergency of COVID 19, Europe is called to make radical choices

This emergency poses a threat to the very existence of "our" Union.

Together with the health dimension of COVID 19, there are deep social and economic consequences that necessitate a joint response.

The time has come to show clarity and consistency in the behavior of all European institutions and of their representatives. During such a dramatic time, we, the European citizens, cannot accept delays, contradictions in the decision-making process and a lack of public statements.

We stand by the position recently expressed by the Italian President Sergio Mattarella and by other European Heads of State.

The political dream of Europe, immortalized in the actions of the Founding Fathers, is at risk of being shattered by the European institutions’ lack of action and by the Member States’ refusal to create a common front to tackle the current crisis.

All European institutions, as the voices of the European people, are called to accept a common responsibility. As such, we really appreciate the European Commission's pronouncement on the suspension of the European Stability Pact.

This free appeal, extended to all of those who care about the common destiny of Europe, attempts to give a strong signal of concern which can be accompanied by sectoral debates and in-depth analyzes.

The emergency that all of us are experiencing cannot be a source of separation. Instead, it must produce a clear turning point to rethink what it means to be a “European”. Politicians, together with men and women of culture and science, must act promptly.

The existence of Europe as a "community", as well as the social cohesion of its countries, are at stake. Since the European states cannot win alone, only a European dimension can overcome this critical moment and, above all, transmit positive and common messages for the future, together with a clear and shared plan to relaunch our economies and restore sustainable relations between the European Institutions, the Member States and us the people.

The danger lies in a gap between our conscience of citizens and Institutions acting as standing above us.

The approach declared by the new Commission after the recent European elections, as well as intentions expressed by some Governments, seems like it’s going in the right direction.

Ultimately, effective action is needed.

We are committed to our ideas and we are aware that appeals are not enough.  We are collecting proactive contributions that can give sense to our positions and that will be published as they become available.


The Promoters

Gennaro Acquaviva, President - Fondazione Socialismo

Guido Alpa, Prof. Sapienza Università di Roma

Michele Bagella, Prof. Università di Roma Tor Vergata

Giorgio Bartolomucci, Secretary General - Festival della Diplomazia

Angelo Bernardini, President – STS

Patrizio Bianchi, Prof. Università di Ferrara

Cecilia Brighi, Secretary General - Associazione Italia-Birmania. Insieme

Massimo Cacciari, Philosopher

Aldo Carera, President - Fondazione Giulio Pastore

Giovanni Castellaneta, Ambassador

Mauro Ceruti, Philosopher

Massimo D’Alema, President – Fondazione Italianieuropei

Pier Virgilio Dastoli, President - Consiglio Italiano del Movimento Europeo

Massimiliano Del Casale, General (retired) – Prof.  Link Campus University

Pier Luigi Maria Dell’Osso, Procuratore Generale della Repubblica, Prof. Link Campus University

Adriano De Maio, Former Rector – Politecnico di Milano, Luiss, Link Campus University

Renato Di Rocco, President – Federazione Ciclistica Italiana

Donato Di Santo, Former Undersecretary of State – Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Antonio Ereditato, Director - Laboratory for High Energy Physics, University of Bern

Roberto Esposito, Philosopher – Scuola Normale Superiore

Giuseppe Faberi, Lawyer - Honorary Deputy President, Consiglio di Stato

Aldo Forbice, Journalist and writer

Franco Frattini, President – SIOI

Alicia Garcia Herrero, Senior Research Fellow, Bruegel

Mariapia Garavaglia, President - Istituto Superiore Studi Sanitari

Paolo Glisenti, Commissioner General for Italy - Expo 2020 Dubai

Noelle Lenoir, Former Minister of European Affairs - France

Giandomenico Magliano, Ambassador

Maurizio Melani, Ambassador – Prof. Link Campus University

Alberto Melloni - Secretary - Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII

Paolo Messa, Founder - Rivista Formiche

Lucia Morselli, Board Member – Telecom Italia

Giorgio Nardone, Founder - Centro di Terapia Strategica

Luigi Paganetto, President – Fondazione Economia “Tor Vergata”

Mario Panizza, Former Rector, Univ.Roma Tre – President, Postgraduate School, LCU

Franco Pavoncello, President - John Cabot University

Alessandro Pietromarchi, Ambassador

Clelia Piperno, CEO – Talmud Project

Claudio Roveda, Rector – Link Campus University

Franco Salvatori, Prof. Università di Roma Tor Vergata

Alberto Schepisi, Ambassador – Prof. John Cabot University

Piero Schiavazzi, Vaticanista - Prof. Link Campus University

Vincenzo Scotti, President – Link Campus University

Riccardo Sessa, Ambassador - Vice President, SIOI

Marcello Spatafora, Ambassador - Formerly Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations

Silvio Traversa, Secretary General - ISLE

Elisabetta Trenta, Former Italian Minister of Defense, Prof. Link Campus University

Francesco Paolo Tronca, Prefect – Prof. Link Campus University

Antonio Uricchio, Former Rector – Università di Bari Aldo Moro

Michele Valensise, Ambassador – President, Centro italo-tedesco Villa Vigoni

Piergiorgio Valente, Prof. Link Campus University – CFE President

Teodoro Valente, Deputy Rector for Research and Innovation,Sapienza Università di Roma

Riccardo Varaldo, Former Rector - Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

Sergio Vento, Ambassador

Ortensio Zecchino, President – Biogem

Sergio Zoppi, Link Campus University


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