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The Cal 2019: the presentation of Pirelli Calendar 2019 will be held in Milan

The Cal 2019: the presentation of the new Pirelli Calendar will be held on 5th December at  Pirelli Hangar Bicocca

For his 46 years, The Cal come back home. After Paris and New York, the Pirelli Calendar 2019, signed by the Scottish photographer Albert Watson, will be presented in Milan on December 5th. 

According to Affaritaliani.it, in fact, the great party for the presentation of the world's most famous calendar, this year, will be held at Pirelli Hangar Bicocca, an increasingly trendy place in Milan's nightlife, cultural and otherwise.

Like every year, the Pirelli Calendar presentation promises to be an elegant and sober event, expected by about 700 guests from all over the world.

The name of the presenter and the talents are still top secret, but this year many people hope to meet the young Julia Garner, protagonist of the cult series Ozark on Netflix and the gorgeous Gigi Hadid, two of the four protagonists of The Cal 2019, together with Laetitia Casta and Misty Copeland.

There is who bet on the presence of the protagonists of the Pirelli world: from the F1 champions to the Luna Rossa sailors to the favorites of the Inter football team fans. In short, for the lucky ones who will receive the invitation, it will always be an evening not to be missed.

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