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Migranti, Piantedosi: "Nel 2024 drastico calo degli sbarchi". Calderone: "Puntiamo a ingressi legali di lavoratori già formati"
Matteo Piantedosi

Migrants, Piantedosi: "Drastic Drop in Arrivals Expected in 2024"

"The data on migrant arrivals by sea show not only a significant decrease compared to last year, about 63%, but also a reduction of around 20% compared to 2022, the year in which the previous government was in office," emphasized Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi during the question time in the Chamber of Deputies. "These important results," Piantedosi added, "are the result of strategic actions by the executive, aimed at combating the shameful trafficking of migrants, ensuring stricter adherence to migration rules, and fostering more effective collaboration with countries of origin and transit. This is not limited to the mere increase in the provision of instrumental resources and training activities for personnel involved in enforcement, although these are necessary."

Migrants, Calderone: "No to Click War, But Legal Entry of Already Trained Workers"

"The Click Day mechanism creates more than one problem; it is certainly a system that, by providing a numerical response, cannot meet the quality needs of companies," said Minister of Labor and Social Policies Marina Calderone last night at the end of a roundtable discussion on illegal labor practices with representatives of agricultural enterprises and unions in the agri-food sector, held at the Ministry of Labor and attended by Agriculture Minister Francesco Lollobrigida. "For us," Calderone continued, "it is important to look at labor flows connected to real needs, accelerating all forms of legal entry into our country that are not the result of quota concessions. I am referring to all the agreements we can make in the countries of origin for the training of workers and the legal entry of already trained workers into our country, and therefore, obviously, also ensuring all the necessary verifications of reliability, which are carried out by our systems when a residence permit holder enters Italy."

"I believe it is important to emphasize," she added, "that the Ministry of Labor already has several agreements in place for the training of workers in the countries of origin, both in the agricultural sector and in the construction sector, and we also have a significant project for the training of mechatronics operators."

"This obviously must also be connected with our need to train Italian citizens and residents in our country, who should use our professional training channels, including higher technical education, by also investing in this context," she concluded.

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Testata giornalistica registrata - Direttore responsabile Angelo Maria Perrino - Reg. Trib. di Milano n° 210 dell'11 aprile 1996 - P.I. 11321290154

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